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"Some users have said they're going to put an excursion together, so now we're thinking about how to manage this," she said. It wasn't, Leong said, to have 9Gag fans wandering around deserts and potentially coming to a sticky end. Someday, someone will dig it up and go, 'Wow'." "It's the future of humanity and links back to the discovery process. The idea of burying the monument in a secret location in the desert was to help preserve the ideas engraved on it for eternity. But it wasn't until the stone had been quarried that I thought oh wow. They said, 'Yeah, let's make it 5m tall'. I doubted they could do it, but I told them that it would have to be a really big monument. But When the agency first pitched the idea to us in February, it was surreal. We haven't needed to seek another round of funding since our first seed fund in 2012. "We thought the anniversary deserved a celebration. So when its ninth anniversary came around, Leong wanted to go big. When Leong first joined 9Gag last August, she was amazed at how little marketing the platform did, outside of its fan-base, the platform had a really low profile. "But overall, from conception to burial, the entire campaign only took two months."

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"It took four days to quarry the stone," Lilian Leong, chief operating officer of 9Gag, said. The edifice was then carted out to a secret location in the middle of a desert and buried to be found and puzzled over by future generations. The top nine were selected and have been engraved on a 24-tonne, 4-metre high limestone monolith by sculptor, Antonio Soler. More than 650,000 responded voting for: Dick Butt, Friendzone, We need AIR support, World vs USA, PPAP, Doge (shiba inu), Salt Bae, Shit just got real and Hardest name in Africa.

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Working with Lola MullenLowe, The Hong Kong-founded content platform asked its global audience of 150 million people (most of whom are located in the US) to vote for their favourite memes.

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